About Steve Miller
Steve is the Owner/Director of Instruction for Steve Miller Golf at Harmony Golf Preserve and North Shore Golf Club, in Orlando. Steve has a true passion for helping his clients reach their scoring goals, achieve tournament success and enjoy the game more. With over 20 years of experience teaching the game, Steve has been fortunate to learn from many of the top teachers in America by continuing to attend Section and National Teaching & Coaching Summits.
Steve credits being introduced to Will Robins of RGX Golf, for refocusing his career from Individual Private swing lessons to Results Based Group and Personal Coaching programs. By coaching his clients on-course and showing them how to train specific parts of their game, he has seen incredible results from his students dropping strokes from their game and shooting career low rounds.
Steve is a Member of the PGA of America since 2007, and is actively involved with the North Florida PGA and the East Central Chapter, where he is currently serving as the Education Chair and also on the Section Education Committee.
Steve is originally from Pennsylvania, now calls Lake Nona his home, and loves everything that Central Florida offers.


Steve coaching with Will Robins on a Corporate Team Building Event

Steve with his wife Melanie and daughter Alyssa.
What is My Why?
I am often asked why I do what I do?? The answer to that may seem easy, but it's not! It really came from many years of working with students and seeing what I thought were great results in their golf swings, only to realize by asking how they played or the results they were having in events that I had lost connection to my clients' games.
They were able to perform very well on the lesson tee or in practice, but when it came to playing the game under pressure, they would struggle to access those beautiful swings we had developed. This bothered me greatly, because I felt like I had failed them or I hadn't done enough work with them. This would lead to more drills, more technology to show them where things were breaking down, more swing work. I had to take a deep look at what I was doing for my students and I decided that I needed to change. I needed to pay more attention to how they played, ask more questions about what they were feeling and not what the swing looked like. They could strike the ball or pitch and putt perfectly well, but they would struggle to score under pressure.
Soon after this realization, I was introduced to several new mentors that were able to instill a new energy into me to change how I helped my clients. I made the decision that I needed to be held accountable for what I give my clients and hold them accountable as well. I make sure that I give them exactly what they need, not what they want. Show them how to train properly and help them understand how they can make those scores transfer on the course. I stopped being an instructor that relied on knowledge technique and became a Coach that would go on the journey with them!! I found my purpose and my mission:
My mission is to make a difference in your game by unlocking your potential and elevating the overall golf experience.
The game of golf can be hard! When you are trying to break a scoring goal for the first time, we all experience things that hold us back from doing so consistently. When we can pinpoint the aspects of your game that need work to achieve this & when you practice it under simulated pressure, you will accelerate the learning curve...and I guarantee the results.*
* By committing to the program, and being open and willing to learn, you will achieve your goals, and if not, I will coach you until you do, at no additional cost. If you choose not to actively participate in the improvement plan, the guarantee is null and void.