Tournament Preparation & Practice Round Session
What type of player are you?
- High School golfer looking to play Junior Golf Tours or wanting to play better for your school team
- Avid club golfer preparing to compete in your Club Championship or Member-Guest
- Competitive single digit to scratch golfers looking to compete in State Golf Association competition or local Am Tour
This is the perfect session for anyone who wants to strategize better!
We will schedule an 18-hole practice round & tournament preparation session for us to play and strategize on the course to help you develop the best plan of attack for each hole. Together, we will create a yardage book for you to refer to during play to help you stay patient and committed!
We will find out what your strengths are and show you how to play to them by missing in the right spot, hitting the proper club off the tee to set up your best chance to score and create the training routine for you leading up to the event!
I will show you what professionals do during these rounds, why we hit multiple chips, pitches and putts around and on the green, and how we develop our plans to play well under pressure. You will be prepared and more confident so there won't be many surprises the day of the event.
This program is approximately 6 hours of time with your coach to help you prepare for your event and feel confident leading into it!
$500 per player/round (discount for multiple players)
Greens Fee & Cart Fee are included at Harmony Golf Preserve/North Shore Golf Club
Call or email me now to set-up your tournament prep session now!